Bitshopee cashier

Once you have sucessfully placed orders on, you will be redirected to Bitshopee cashier to pay crypto and choose a payer to pay fiat on behalf of you.

  1. Connect your MetaMask wallet, and choose POLYGON or BSC network.

2. Choose the cryptocurrency you would like to pay and select a payer accoording to their quotes, average completion time and success rates.

3. Click "Approve" to give permission to Bitshopee Smart Contract to access specific assects.

4. After approval, Click "Pay" to transfer the tokens.

5. Check the transcation details on MetaMask, then click "Confirm".

6. You have sucessfully transfered the crypto, click "Continue".

7. Now, you don't need to do anything, just wait for the payer to pay the order with fiat.

8. After the payer inform that the order has been paid, please go to to check whether the order payment is done.

  • If done, click "Confirm";

  • If not, click "Appeal for order not paid".

If you don't do anything within 24 hours, the fiat payment by payer will be deemed completed by default.

9. After clicking "Confirm", you will be requested to interact with Bitshopee SmartContract once again,thus, payer will receive the tokens locked.

Congrats! This order has been successfully finished~

Last updated