FAQ by shoppers

Does Bitshopee charge service fee?

Bitshopee charges no service fee for shoppers.

How to cancel an order?

  • If the order is in "waiting for the user to pay" status, just click the cancel button on the order info page and the order will be cancelled immeditely.

  • If the order is in "paying by the payer" status, click the cancel button and wait for the payer to agree. Once the payer agree the cancellation, your crypto will be refunded to your wallet immeditely.

  • If the order is in "waiting for the user to confirm" status, you are not allowed to cancel this order because the payer claimed to have completed the fiat payment.

  • If you already paid crypto while the order was timed out because the payer didn't process it, just click the cancel button and you will receive the refund right away.

What if there is a dispute between me and the payer ?

We suggest you to contact and negotiate with the payer first. If you two sides can't reach an aggrement, please appeal to us.

Can I return the goods I purchased?

If you have to return the goods, you need to negociate with the payer and deal with this matter by yourself. At present, Bitshopee doesn't offer assurance services and will not involve in the negotiation between shoppers and payers in terms of returns. To avoid further trouble, we suggest you double check the goods information before placing an order.

Last updated